Fluiten van Weleer
AB Salon and KRAAK present two acts that delve deep into ancient and outworldish music, creating haunting transcedelic visions on folk music for the 21st Century.
Antti Tolvi
KRAAK loves Finnish people; they are quiet, outworldish, and in general skilled musicians. Besides a truism, it is a fitting description for composer Antti Tolvi. He is known for his participation in Keijut and Rauhan Orkesteri, but mostly for his solo work that covers a wide array of jazz, haunting piano minimalism and electronic drones. His works has the distinct Finnish touch, but stands out by its meditative and playful quality.
This somewhat obscure, half Dutch, half Antwerpian collective met during a masterclass Maggergergorian Spiritual Philosophy in the early 2000s. Their haunting performances are a crossbreed of Amon Duül I tactics and a dark healing ceremony. Last year Aguirre records published their debut vinyl which is since its release glued to our record players.