december 19, 2024
Gepocheerd uit de verlate nieuwsbrief, met een dubbele Bandcamp promo en wat data voor 2025 om in je hoofd te branden.

november 14, 2024
Ook al is de maand halverwege 🥸 November updates komen rechtstreeks uit de nieuwsbrief, deze keer met eindjes en ondjes ~ en de laatste release van het jaar en de laatste shows!

september 10, 2024
Emmers vol foto's met herinneringen aan het Britse eiland aka de ontbijttour met Younes Zarhoni, Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia en Firmaet Forvoksen. Drie dagen van vrienden en muziek, gevoed door Kanaalse benzine en M&S broodjes garnaal!

augustus 21, 2024
Krabbels na de hittegolf uit onze nieuwsbrief, met 2 nieuwe releases en een aankondiging van een tour!

maart 12, 2024
De jaarlijkse samenvatting van de geluiden en gezichten die het KRAAK Festival maakten, gevat door de alziende lens van Hans van den Linden❤️

maart 01, 2024
De in Boedapest geboren componist Tibor Szemző is al sinds de jaren 70 een onvermijdelijke vaste waarde in de Hongaarse avant-garde, als oprichter van het minimalistische ensemble Group 180 en andere multidisciplinaire performance-instellingen zoals het Gordian Knot Cinematic Music Lab. Zijn uitgebreide solo-output omspant meer dan 40 jaar, maar bleef toch een beetje aan de "cultkant" totdat heruitgaven van zijn werk recentelijk de wereld in werden gestuurd. Zijn sluipen tussen ambient, new age, minimalisme en spoken word leveren een ondefinieerbare visie op die gegrond voelt in de moderne wereld, maar die net zo snel weer vervliegt in ondoorgrondelijkheid zodra je denkt dat je het snapt. Hieronder: een speciaal kijkje in de visuele wereld van de Hongaarse componist Tibor Szemző!

februari 27, 2024
Hier is wat linkse frisheid uit het altijd alwetende Spettro microversum: Simone Bornati van de Twoonky/TwoMonkeys/Chorus Abstracta/etc en geluidskunstenaar Luisali smelten samen voor een van de meest verwarrend plezierige muzikale trips in de recente geschiedenis. Dystopische triphop voor liminale dansvloeren, waar wat aanvankelijk onhandig en onsynchroon aanvoelt al snel een eigen gevoel krijgt en verwarrende signalen naar je lichaam stuurt over wat te doen met alle bewegingen die steevast volgen.

KRAAKFEST 2024 HUISWERK: Cluster Bomb Unit
februari 27, 2024
Cluster Bomb Unit werd oorspronkelijk opgericht in Stuttgart in 1989 en toerde al vele malen over de wereld met hun rechttoe rechtaan, no bullshit Duitse Raw Punk Kommand. Oprichter Oliver geeft ons een korte update over de huidige staat en mogelijke toekomst van CBU, en we hebben een kleine footage dump samengesteld om iedereen te laten fistpumpen voor hun aankomst op het KRAAK Fest podium deze zaterdag!

KRAAKFEST 2024 HUISWERK: Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia
februari 27, 2024
Geluidsverkenners Nina Garcia en Maria Bertel botsen in een koortsdroom die werkelijkheid wordt. Als duo komen texturen en ritmes tot leven door brandende versterkerlampen, gitaar en trombone die reageren en breken, een krachtige complementariteit die door bulderende knallen snijdt. Hun eerste gezamenlijke release KNÆKKET SMIL verschijnt in februari van dit jaar en is het resultaat van een unieke samenwerking tussen No Lagos Musique, Otomatik Muziek en KRAAK.

KRAAKFEST 2024 HUISWERK: Horacio Pollard
februari 26, 2024
Horacio Pollard, oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit Norfolk en nu al veel te lang gevestigd in Berlijn, is al sinds 2002 subtiel aan het infiltreren in onder- en bovengrondse scènes, waaronder deze hier met zijn KRUT EP Cordial Invite uit 2020. Ontwrichtend, hypnotiserend en treffend omschreven als "bijna dansbaar", Pollard's post-industriële aas neemt ons mee naar brutale nieuwe werelden van sonische misleiding waar we graag onze tijd uitzitten. Die gouden microfoon is het ware baken van hoop.

februari 26, 2024
Virginia Genta en David Vanzan blazen zieltjes over de hele wereld omver. Sinds 2004 laten ze als Jooklo Duo oren en podia volstromen. Demente psychedelische improvisaties die alle begrip tarten: percussieve slagen botsen onophoudelijk tegen de waanzinnige stuwkracht van het riet en openen uitgestrekte velden van sonische mogelijkheden die je verbijsterd achterlaten en je oren naar plaatsen brengen waar alleen je derde oog kan kijken.

KRAAKFEST 2024 HUISWERK: Elastic Systems
februari 23, 2024
Arnaud Aubry en Thomas Durand, die overkwamen van de bergkammen van Nantes, begonnen hun avontuur als Elastic Systems in 2022 en doken diep in de synergie tussen mens en machine door middel van wiebelig elektronisch spel. Deze improvisaties kunnen net zo goed versmelten tot vrij zwevende golfvormen die luisteraars - en hun dansbewegingen - aansporen om zich te engageren in een voortdurend verschuivende sonische wereldopbouw, die alles samenbrengt in een 'kies-je-eigen-avontuur'-cascade van meedogenloze euforie.

KRAAK FEST 2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Venediktos Tempelboom
februari 22, 2024
When Ghent-based Benoît Monsieurs, aka Venediktos Tempelboom, starts playing his 12-string guitar, reclusive roamers line up to ride the whimsical sound waves he produces, spontaneously joining him in his meditative body rocking and headbanging. Imbuing his surroundings with a transcendental quality, the Tempelboom always manages to transform the bleak, melancholy landscapes of East Flanders into vast majestic terrains that approximate what the Romantics meant by the sublime ~ terror and awe unite!

februari 20, 2024
The musical brainchild of artist duo Maddie Banwell and Grace Black, Mosquito Farm, revolves around homemade instruments. In 2022, the pair started making music with setups containing objects like powdered milk, fans, ping pong balls, camping tables and plastic bottles. They make their way through this noisy pen of automated and manually played acoustic creations in a playful yet seemingly deliberate manner, like true puppet masters, orchestrating erratic percussions and ominous industrial drone sounds.

KRAAK FEST 2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Maria Valentina Chirico
februari 20, 2024
Turin-based singer and multi-instrumentalist Maria Valentina Chirico and her harmonium seem to be inseparable. Her music triggers that strange mix of melancholy and happiness that is as comforting as it is unsettling. You may find yourself longing for a past that was never yours, reminiscing about falling in love with an instrument you’ve never even played ~ music for building a snowman and watching it slowly melt.

februari 16, 2024
Since 2015, Finnish multimedia artist Rusto Myllylahti has been using the moniker Elatu Nessa to spread his DIY, meditative, lo-fi sounds throughout his home country and across Europe. A mix of field recordings, psychedelic guitar, hypnotic chanting, and soft humming. His latest album Pääportti, released on Ultraääni & Raatoraita in 2023, was recorded, mixed and produced in Helsinki, London and by the sea. Still, this sound wizard will have no trouble working his magic in the dark and mysterious Antwerpian forest, as the owls and foxes are already jumping out of their hiding places to experience his trance-inducing loops and will happily be rocked into sweet and gentle never-ending reveries ~ Het Bos may never be the same again.

september 12, 2023
A fresh repress of last year's magical hit by Romain de Ferron, with loving visuals to boot 🥲

juli 19, 2023
Something to tide over the KRAAK vaccuum until our mid-Augustian return!

april 11, 2023
THIS SATURDAY AT AU KALME IN BXL: a first collaboration between two Flemish orgs exiled in the capital. KRAAK & Futura Resistenza join forces for a semi-showcase night of featured talent and future prospects!

maart 06, 2023
A look back at this year's sights and vibes by the all-seeing lens of Hans Van Der Linden ~ friendly faces, joyous music, floods of feesthondjes, unexpected collabs (TIMOTHY!) and endless camaraderie are henceforth immortalized as we count blessings and look forward to what's next 🥲❤️

KRAAK FEST 2023 HIGHLIGHTS: Younes Zarhoni
maart 02, 2023
Antwerp-born Younes Zarhoni has been consistently performing and making music for just about a decade now, notably as YZ ~ the unlikely crossroad between techno and Sufi ~

KRAAK FEST 2023 HIGHLIGHTS: Valentina Goncharova
maart 02, 2023
An unsung pioneer of the 20th century's new music movement, Valentina Goncharova forewent the classical for the avant-garde and infused it with an ethereal aura that expands through the drones of her violin. In her sonic journey, Valentina hits that sweet and rarified spot where electro-acoustics collide with New Age sensibilties, inviting frequencies like whale song to tap into something ancestral and primordial. Here she talks about her trajectory and about what may still come as we rev up for KRAAK Fest THIS WEEKEND 🙀

februari 26, 2023
Some 25 years ago, after a night walk through the French woods, Tenebras set out to create through Nuit Noire a unique blend of black metal, lo-fi and indie rock tropes which would eventually become known as “Faerie Punk”, a musical language associated with destruction and depression which is repurposed for hope and acceptance. Behold, the origin story and Faerie musings by the sword-wielding man of the night!

KRAAK FEST 2023 HIGHLIGHTS: Justice Yeldham
februari 24, 2023
Decade spanning research finds Justice Yeldham stripping down turntablism to its absolute core, where diamond tip becomes roadside glass and pedalboards replace carefully engineered noiseless transformers. The legendary Aussie pioneer of visceral cringesonics discusses pain, practice and devotion to arm your senses for his upcoming KRAAK Fest performance!!

februari 22, 2023
Continuing the highlight parade is Greek-born, Austria-based multidisciplinary artist Daphne X. Her musical practice takes the term “electronic experiments” to the task, with frequencies caught like specimens that are studied at a near-atomic level and harmonies dissected and looped to disorienting effect. Below, some words about the origins that made her and non-musical forms that inspire her.

KRAAK FEST 2023 HIGHLIGHTS: Charmaine's Names
februari 21, 2023
Projects that purport to “explore the borders of masculinity and sensuality” are not exactly the jam du jour, but a non-Talking Head David Byrne whose provenance is as enigmatic as his facial hair opens that exploration for the indisputably better. Charmaine's Names has us under his many grips with his seductive baritone and sax game ~ this crooning, confusing troubadour opens the gates just a crack for us - and you - to catch a glimpse of the enigma (and his untrustworthy guts).

februari 20, 2023
Big sticks, big sounds all the way from Amiens ~ Bâton XXL charges fistfirst into KRAAK Fest with the energy of drumming heartbeats. We got Romain to talk about his overflowing ambitions and tech rig, and the importance of letting go & reach higher strata of trance states (and insomnia).

februari 17, 2023
No stranger to the KRAAK scene, Aya Suzuki is one of those rare talents whose virtuosity is palpable through the sparseness of her actions, as marimbas, vibraphones, pots and the ground itself present manifold opportunities for resonance and rumination. Here she opens the curtain into her sonic universe, unveiling dreams and approaches that we're all too happy to witness and be part of 🥲

februari 16, 2023
Here we go, the virtual parade of this year's KRAAK Fest artists begins! Kicking things off is Alto Fuero, the union of two shapeshifters from the Brussels/Marseille conflux whose sounds feel like club music that has seeped through the meshes of alternate realities. Loto & Victoria talk some alien shop down below::::

februari 13, 2023
A big bucketload of show pics & vids from the latest kraakins: the second collab with SMOG, our version of a New Year's shindig at Atoma, and our latest release party for Jef Mertens::::

februari 09, 2023
Out today, the debut LP of Jef Mertens, documentarian of the underground and dadaist taper from humble Geel. We celebrate with a release show at AB Salon, with support by the most inimitable & ineffable Neil Young/Bromp Treb 🗿

januari 03, 2023
Moving images of last November's Ghentian voyages, with video lovingly scraped and put together by Goldscammer Inc on the KRAAK Tube. Many minutes of outstanding live performances and multifarious shredding lie ahead, with performances by Mariachi, Ailbhe Nic Oirentaigh, Chien Fer, Territorial Gobbing, Fantôme Josépha, Umarell & Zdaura & mucho more

november 11, 2022
Sights and sounds of the release for Firmaet Forvoksen's Undone Shal LP at Beursschouwburg, with the best lighting yet for the Belgradian archivery of Natalia Beylis's sewing machine antics, Firmaet Forvoksen's outsidercore bouncing, and Paul Arámbula's antidystopian pop hymns. Videos always courtesy of Goldscammer Prod, now with rotating logos!

november 09, 2022
This month is basically making up for lost Ghentian time!

november 07, 2022
Fun times at Dekant during the first Brugesian adventure of our tenure, with Megabasse's dreamy strums, Luster's romantic folkisms and funhouse horror party with Harry Merry to light it up. Hereby Belgradian photo report + video'd footage courtesy of Goldscammer Prod.

oktober 21, 2022
Some snippets - static and moving - of Bloedneus & de Snuitkever's release recital at KIOSK Ghent with Sans Âge, all amid Lisa Vlaeminck's psychomagic artworks. Auloi, snake sausages, yoga balls, and a whole lotta blowin right this way:
oktober 10, 2022
Impressionistic flurries from that infamous night at New Touquet with Hiele, Innercity and DJ Bontés. Wild Child Belgrado's point and shoot skills always on point!
Ravi Release Beach pics!
september 09, 2022
Belgradian hot takes from our return to shows at OHK in Ostend, all for the release of Romain de Ferron's sweet sweeet transportational Ravi tape ❤️ Sunsets, foliage, red faces and songs to jump back into the grooves.

juli 12, 2022
A radio'd compendium of the past six months lived in De Neus Van God ~ someone get us on Spotify already

Volksken Filth in pictures
juli 11, 2022
A small crop of blurry snaps by the Belgrado 2001 Sony point n shoot: memories are certainly this hazy, especially after all those pints of Mauvaus Voeux 🥴
Divagation x KRAAK's incantational soirée photographs
juli 04, 2022
The menace Belgrado goes back into the wilderness of the concertlife, this time for another collab with Brussels' hardest working one-man org Divagation. On the bill for these incantations: Manoir Molle, El manantial, Le diable dégoûtant and G.S. Sultan!

juni 29, 2022
A glimpse into KRAMP's upcoming album SONGS OF BALKENBRIJ via videoclip! Dinner at oma and opa Wybouw goes way Lynchian to the gurgling sounds of "BEESTEN LOPEN CIRKELS", smakelijk.
Coastal Shrimpin Snaps
juni 09, 2022
Foto's van een tweedaags Oostends avontuur in mei, in Skyblogkwaliteit dankzij lady Belgrado. Het enige dat in de zee viel, was Timmy D's gevoel van eigenwaarde 🥲

KRAAK FEST 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: Petronn Sphene
maart 11, 2022
Rounding off this year's artist highlights is Leeds' own sonic terrorizer Petronn Sphene::::: known as one half of explosive insectoid rock duo Guttersnipe, Petronn Sphene’s No Wave Rave is a frenzied force of drum machine chaos, xenomorph shriekings and shards of noiseful synthwaves coming from every which way. Here she gets the juices going on the eve of her performance at our fest ~ unfiltered and unhinged utter realness, just the way we love 'er!!

maart 10, 2022
Yung Paul Arámbula left his native Phoenix for Berlin’s greying prospects, keyboard in tow and words about trials, tribulations and the nothing in between swirling around. His songs are populated by inner demons, mixed feelings, home cooked scenarios, rides to nowhere and missed connections, with internal turmoils and random thoughts manifesting alongside some serious fist-pump-worthy melodies. In high anticipation for the weekend, he sent us words about leaving homes and finding new ones, intimate compositions and today and tomorrow's dreamings.
maart 09, 2022
The Marseillais outfit Donna Candy is the unlikely union of Sale Garce, Js Donny and Nadi Füdli who, having heard the calls for more jump-tha-fuck-upness in the scene, wasted no time in heeding. A certain nostalgia for Limp Bizkit (!) comes along right at time when going to the pit never felt more necessary - behold the highly kiffable Candy Circus Show in full boom!
Dror Feiler
maart 08, 2022
Cerebral, dense and unapologetically effusive, Dror Feiler’s music is the kind to get your wits jumping out of your bodily carcass for a lucid moment in time. The Israeli-born Stockholm-based composer and performer has been blowing out eardrums for years through a unique sound wall of brass and abrasive electronics. Hereunder he shares some thoughts about his musical trajectory, archipelagos of noise, and fights that never cease to be fought.

KRAAK FEST 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: Antonina Nowacka
maart 07, 2022
No stranger to our KRAAK circles with some unforgettable performances in sisterly duos WIDT and Mentos Gulgendo, we're thrilled to have Antonina Nowacka present her enchanting vocal work which she has been developing through loner voyages into caves and other locales of resonant magic. Always the intrepid traveler, Antonina tells us about her trips, dreams and explorations in these chimerical times.

KRAAK FEST 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: Marcia Bassett
maart 03, 2022
A true icon of the experimental scene for the past 20 years +, Marcia Bassett has been tirelessly performing in all sorts of configurations, whether it be in groups like Double Leopards, GHQ and Hototogisu or solo as Zaimph. Now back in Europe under her own name, Marcia shares dreams and visions in the run up to KRAAK Festival, where she will be joined by Swiss media artist Ursula Scherrer for what is gearing up to be a hallucinatory experience for both mind and irises.
KRAAK FEST 2022 HIGHLIGHTS: Bloedneus & De Snuitkever
februari 28, 2022
Spearheading the caravan of KRAAK Festival highlights is our all-time favorite aulos head Bloedneus & de Snuitkever, whose layered drones evoke true ancestral liturgies for timeless vibing. It's also a good a time as any to announce his upcoming album on this KRAAKing label :000 We caught the man in the middle of what he called "a traditional Flemish weekend of watching cycling competitions" and got him to answer some questions and share even more emotions and tunes.

20/02/2022:::: KROG I with Aya Suzuki, Mik Quantius & Romain De Ferron
februari 16, 2022
Our first collaboration with Brussels' improv-experimental venue collective SMOG is happening this Sunday 20 February. On the bill: Japanese percussionist Aya Suzuki, improkraut legend Mik Quantius and lyonnais cosmic scorer Romain De Ferron. Come early and let the jams spirit you away.

02/02/22 RUISKAMER #4: Alvin Curran / Two Envelopes / Ï Î
februari 01, 2022
A very special evening of sober listenings and metaphorical sound washings with living legend Alvin Curran and a duo of duos with local imagineers Two Envelopes and Ï Î.

januari 24, 2022
March is basically around the corner and so are the names for our not-soon-enough edition of KRAAK Festival:::::::

OFFICE SOUNDINGS #2: Deep in the hummus
december 01, 2021
Hier op het KRAAK HQ zijn het donkere tijden met dwalende molmensen diep in het vuil van aardse metaforen. Gelukkig hebben we helden, homies en haters wereldwijd om onze kin omhoog te houden ~ niemand van ons houdt van de kou en we hebben allemaal zeker een hekel aan volwassen huiswerk, maar deze tunes houden ons warm en scherp.

Radio Hito live op Kiosk Radio
november 30, 2021
Een magisch moment in ieders go-to Brusselse geluidssauna voor de release van Radio Hito's nieuwste tape op ons dierbare label. Kijk en huil!

november 10, 2021
gr'Ambachting with claire rousay and Xaxi + finissage "1000 Ogen "by Erwin Van Looveren

oktober 25, 2021
First instalment of the new procrastinatory series (?) of what we listened to/trolled each other with at KRAK HQs. Upskirt cumbias, wheezing improvisations, prepared banjo licks,

oktober 05, 2021
A look back at this year's festival's sights and moods as captured by the inimitable Hans van der Linden!

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Simon Van Honacker
september 30, 2021
As a symbol of gatherings past and the voices that trailed behind them, Simon Van Honacker's setting up his installation Tempo In Vlaanderen for anyone to visit/get lost in mentally and sonically in the Het Bos courtyard. Ambient characters and trademarked organic symphonies are just a ghost braderie away ~ ~ ~

september 30, 2021
Rounding up the performer parade - and closers of the festival - are lathe utopians Spuk Disk

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: soccer Committee
september 29, 2021
Mariska Baars, aka soccer Committee, is back after a hiatus of a decade-plus. Delicate yet deeeep guitar singings and a yearning for simpler moments with nature will affect those sitting or standing around sC's tender siren's songs. Catch her on Saturday ~ THIS SATURDAY!

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Le Diable Dégoûtant
september 27, 2021
Picking up the pace for the KRAAK Fest Focus Fest, here's Pauline Marx, aka Le Diable Dégoûtant all the way from the deep recesses of Brittany's lore. Witchy incantations from a half-woman half-creature from the woods are in store as the twilight sets on ye attendees ale-lit faces.

september 24, 2021
Surfing on the waves of her album release, we're happy to present Heta Bilaletdin as one of the many shining beams in this KRAAK Festival. Heavy HEAVY bass and sparkling squirreling sound snackies

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Justine Grillet
september 23, 2021
Justine Grillet is no stranger to Antwerp's art spaces, as she has been exhibiting and playing music consistently for the past year and more (?!). Keeping to her home turf, she'll be opening this year's KRAAK Fest with her dreamlike soundscapes straight out of a magically woodsy RPG game ✨

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: John Dunbar & The Cheese Chandeliers
september 22, 2021
This enigmatic Greek and his possibly imagined Cheese Chandeliers came into our hive radar through the scrambling chaos of internet shares, and our hive minds definitely fizzled upon grasping his strange, nihilistic jams tinged with crude pop allusions which, at the end of the day, spell out some damn good times. Come & meet this John Dunbar, we will too!

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Elisabeth Klinck
september 21, 2021
Belgium's got some young talent, and violinist Elisabeth Klinck is kicking proof of that. After a stint on our TOTAL STOOGE FM FEST, we got her back for an in-da-flesh performance at this year's KRAAK Fest for a soaring intimate set in Het Bos's exhibition space. Let them violins roar up in space:
Ilpo Numminen
september 20, 2021
Proceeding with the proceedings, we have the ultra slick melodies and fashion statements of Finland's Ilpo Numminen. One of that land's premier syntheads, he'll be running some test flights at our KRAAK fest for a nighttime set of cosmic deliriums to send us all into the space lands of our mindddddddds. Trip on!!

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Foudre Rockeur
september 18, 2021
Now here's some honest to goodness rock n roll: Foudre Rockeur, these self-appointed demons of rock, are the collision of Mr Marcaille and a group of residents from the Pôle Habitat ADAPEI in Widranges. Together they blast out forthright jams that need no words be chanted along with.

september 17, 2021
As the fermenting grounds for freshly-baked and potentially heart stirring projects, here's one from our favorite KRAMP and New York's Luke Calzonetti. As EC Band, they take us to woozy territories through dark guitar meanderings. Dusky Friday night music comin' your way.

KRAAK FEST 2021 HIGHLIGHTS: Dominique Grimaud
september 16, 2021
Here at the KRAAK HQ we developed a big heart for legendary French underground dweller Dominique Grimaud's warped rehashings of sixties psychedelia on his 19 Feedbacks album ~ a fitting soundtrack for those jarring and surreal months of confinement. Made sense then to have the man himself over for this year's fest to spill out his looping electronic experiences, augmented by Veronique Vilhet's hypnotic drumming. Strange jams for times that never cease to be strange!

september 14, 2021
Dance-noise veteran Ren Schofield has been screwing up club floor enthusiasts as Container for at least a decade now. Spasmodic beats and modulated anarchy fly mercilessly about as techno iterations fold into each other and explode into micro anthems for uninhibited swaying. Time bends, and so does sound, as Schonfield proves over and over and over, and never over.

Zondag Acht Dagen is back!!!
september 08, 2021
This Sunday we're back in Ghent's De Koer for a sunny (if not in weather at least in spirit!) afternoon filled with jammings of all sorts, criss-crossing our tiny land with some of the finest acts gracing the local-ish scene.
KRAAK Festival 2021 at Het Bos
juli 07, 2021
New location and exceptionally in the fall ~ because we couldn't get through this year without it (fingers still crossedddd). See you in the forest by the Schelde, more info soon! Line up and links hereunder:

Ignatz(loze) zanderige release jam foto's!
juni 23, 2021
Onze terugkeer naar de concertwereld met het zoete Please Island, ladr.ache, Annelies Monseré & Floris, harige en pluimige beesten en de Oostendse branding. Foto's door Victor Van Wassenhove.

Nieuwe website!
juni 22, 2021