

The saucy, savory tunes of the elusive Moro almost seem to magically and eternally play themselves, though the one-man band shifting seamlessly between guitar and keyboard is as real as they come. While his output can be all over the place - from ambient meanderings to funhouse desert psychedelia - the magic of improvisation permeates throughout, winding down unknown paths not just for the listener but for the player himself. An already sold-out tape on the Troglosound label provides a small taste that only deepens the mystique, one which he decides to maintain by keeping things mostly under wraps ~ here's what we could dig up from this mysterious fella, the rest will be up to you to catch.

R Moro ยท R Moro live Braille Satellite 2023

"We met R Moro for the first time in December 2022, when we had the chance to share the Spettro stage in Brescia. We didn't know each other before and he totally grabbed us with his concert, a dreamy long suite that kept him busy shifting between keyboards, electric guitar, and electronic rythms. After another killer show at Troglobatem Festival 2023 we asked him some material for a release, and about an year later the music reached us. This tape is R Moro's first release, a collection of recordings done in Porto and Felloniche in 2020, mostly solo tracks with no overdubs and nearly no editing, eventually some of whom featuring guest guitarist Luis Palito. The repetitive patterns and shredding guitar melodies are so easy flowing and hypnotizing that you could possibly never get tired of listening to Duma, a spaced-out but still focused masterpiece of southern-kraut blueish cream, full of moons and suns and long stellar night drives. The experience of travel in its possibly widest meaning is truly expressed by these cozy psychedelic jams. A floating soul and a lo-fi rock attitude straight out of the sub-underground fringe." - Jooklo Duo

pic by Andra Ljos

The full Moro suite (as it stands) can be found on his Soundcloud. For the rest, you'll just have to come see him at KRAAK Fest 2025 March 8 at Het Bos!