Goldblum Sun Chasin' Release Show
Tracking down the last of the year's golden lights in order to celebrate a glowing new release: Goldblum's dreamy debut LP Of Feathers and Bones will be presented and fêted alongside the electronic mischiefs of Ke'So and the stranger mystics of Gaute Granli. And maybe others?
free price starting from 5 EUR |
Part of the New York-based International Winners collective, Dilian (also known as GAP, Ke’so and who knows what else) brings a mélange of extremes to the table. Samples and samples and then some all coexist and integrate a landscape of musical possibility, bouncing between footwork-laced impressions, persistently chaotic beats and kaleidoscopic bursts of electronic mayhem. Some excesses are to be expected, especially in the dance move department.
Gaute Granli
Stavanger’s own master of disorientation comes back to our little capital a bit over a year since his KRAAK Fest 2020 stint. One-man choirs, unpredictable spatial swerves and always that guitar doing its weird thing ~ Gaute Granli’s bag of tricks are as perplexing as they are unmistakably affecting. An uncanny magic to behold, concurrently present on his Ultra Eczema LP Blusens Fasong and Stigmaa on our humble KRUT.
2GIRLSNAMEDSERGIO, the wanderlusty project of Amber Meulenijzer and Lukas De Clecrk, will be literally rolling through Zonneklopper all the way from Sardinia with their Saab Sculpture VIII, a travelling sound system built in Amber Meulenijzer's Saab Sculpture series. A combination of roaring launeddas, crying tenores, sardinian winds and circular mediterranean white noise will all be enveloped in alien Saab synths and waiting for travel-hungry ears to absorb these sonic memories.
DJ Kim Sam Sung
A wild selection of musical curio from all over the place, filtered through the unique viewpoint of a Dutch-born Anderlecht dweller arrived by way of Berlin. Beats of all sorts for afternoon moods and afterhour vibes ~ Kim Sam Sung always delivers.